We hope to help with the planting of wild flowers in some of the verges in Great Bowden village. Wild flower plugs are being cultivated by several members at the moment. There will be more news and information later on in the Spring
March 6th 2021
We are sure many of you will have seen the long informative item that Carolyn included in the last village newsletter but for those who live outside Great Bowden she also suggested the following…
“ …one simple thing we can all do to increase biodiversity is to leave a patch of lawn to its own devices during the spring and summer - it’s almost certain that some wild flowers will appear in your new mini-meadow. For further ideas and resources visit. Plant life.
Also, we may possibly have several species of bat living in the Rec and Millennium wood including the Whiskered bat and the Brown long-eared bat. They will be waking up from hibernation at the end of March and will we hope be delighted with the new bat friendly amber street lights that should be installed by then. Volunteers will then resume the echo-location survey work in the area. We hope to help with the planting of wild flowers in some of the verges in Great Bowden village. Wild flower plugs are being cultivated by several members at the moment. There will be more news and information later on in the Spring
9th February 2021
No, Leicestershire County Council have not gone all romantic because it is Valentine’s Day shortly. The blue hearts indicate the verges that they have agreed the village can re-wild with wild flowers this Spring. We will keep you updated with progress and look out for news in the next Village Newsletter.
Get in touch if you'd like to get involved in re-invigorating our village wildflowers.
Information on our latest and past updates can be found at :